Tony Moon – Artist Spotlight

peace and blessings

shouts to the good folks at for this dope write up on yours truly.

check the post out here:

RM Artist Spotlight: Tony Moon


Ab-Soul was onto something. Taking the street level conspiracy theorizing of Prodigy and infusing it with an increasingly popular druggy take on Eastern thought, he helped transform what was formerly a weirdo niche into something accessible for the Tumblr era. Adding pathos and humor to impassioned screeds ripped straight from Oliver Stone’s diaries was a minor invention, and one that made it possible for the New Age raps of artists like Brooklyn’s Pro Era and Hampton, Virginia’s Tony Moon.

Tony Moon is complicated. Coming across like Lupe Fiasco’s more Alex Jones-y leanings expanded into a full-fledged personality, the DMV native is often times at-once, esoteric, political, positive, funny, and trippy, uniting heady topics like chem trails, the Bilderberg group, organic foods, oppression, and government control within an impressively agile flow. The difference-maker in Moon’s output is that he doesn’t approach his subject matter with the kind of bleakness and helpless rage that informs much of the work that precedes it. Instead, releases like Lunar Plexus aim to transcend the muck of our modern world through activism, psychedelic drug use, and Eastern thought.

And that’s a tricky endeavor. Conspiracies, mind expansion, and microchip implants can come across as hokey or laughable, especially when there’s such an uplifting feel to it, but all the talk of green tea, chi, pineal glands, chakras, 3rd eyes, and meditation throughout his catalog are buoyed by his playful sense of humor and inherent cool of hip-hop. It’s music that’s both “lyrical” in the pejorative, purist sense and lyrical in the modern idea of potent quotables. Instead of stone-faced preaching, Tony Moon treats listeners to things like the hilarious “Look Around You” excerpt that makes up Lunar Plexus‘s “Rappity Rap Interlude” or the various jokey asides scattered throughout the tape. It makes sense, really; Moon often talks of trying to make sense of an insane, violent world exploring and transcending the self, and what better way than to find the find the positives hidden in the cracks and wax comical from time to time? Where anyone else would be distressed, Tony’s hopeful, suggesting that “Moon” isn’t just a surname, it’s a goal: to rise to something better, something grander than what we have here on Earth. And those are truly heights worth shooting for.


many humbled thanks to christopher alley for penning this. i think it’s an interesting take on my music, although,  i’ve definitely grown since my last release. i know, i know…it’s been a while, but trust, i’ve got new shit comin soon. much love and light to all.

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